  • Overview
  • Fund Factsheets
  • Investment Team
  • Fund Information
  • How To Invest
How To Invest
This page content is intended for professional investors only. By continuing, you confirm that you are a professional investor.
Why should you invest in VAF?

VAF is a Cayman Islands mutual fund and invests a majority of its assets in VinaCapital Equity Special Access Fund (VESAF), a Vietnam domiciled open-ended fund. VAF’s unique structure as a feeder fund into VESAF enables foreign investors to be treated like local investors.

VAF investments include but are not limited to: VinaCapital Equity Special Access Fund (VESAF), equities of Vietnamese listed companies and pre-IPO stocks. VAF’s strategy is to focus on small and mid-cap companies with limited coverage and stocks that have reached full Foreign Ownership Limit (FOL).

YTD 1 year 3 year 5 year All
  • YTD
  • 1 year
  • 3 year
  • 5 year
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As of
Investment Team

Thu Nguyen, CFA

Managing Director – Head of Investment,
Lead Portfolio Manager

Trung Thai, CFA

Investment Director,
Co-Portfolio Manager

Why should you invest in VAF?
Vector (15)

Capitalize on potential mispricing in company valuations due to: premiums on companies that have reached full room Foreign Ownership Limit (FOL), stocks listed on restricted stock exchanges, and small companies with limited coverage.

Vector (26)

VAF’s unique structure enables foreign investors to be treated like local investors.

Vector (34)

Focuses on small and medium-cap stocks with high growth potential and/or breakthrough performance in their sectors.

Vector (36)

Professionally managed by a portfolio management team with support from our in-house research team.

Fund information
Fund structure
Open-ended mutual fund
Inception date
03 July 2018
Cayman Islands
Geographical focus is Vietnam, bottom-up, long-term investment approach
NAV Frequency
Subscription / Redemption frequency
Monthly - the first business day of each calendar month
Investment Manager
VinaCapital Investment Management Ltd.
Vistra Alternative Investments (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Grant Thornton Cayman Islands
Management fee
Performance fee
15% over 8% hurdle rate, with high watermark
Minimum subscription amount
How to invest

Please email us at IR@VINACAPITAL.COM for more information.